DPF Cleaning

Modern Diesels, since around 2009, have been fitted with an exhaust filter (DPF) that stores soot and other particles to reduce the emissions at the tail pipe. Then under predetermined conditions controlled by the cars computer those particles and soot are burnt of by superheating them within the DPF. Your vehicle uses several sensors to understand when to perform this and it is called “regenerating”. If the conditions are not met for any reason then the car will not perform a regeneration. It is then likely a message will pop up on the dash informing you of this. This is the point where you need to have the problem looked at. We have spoken to many customers who have simply forced a regeneration only to see the problem come back quickly.

Frank Barton Motors will diagnose the fault, repair it and chemically clean the DPF without removing it from the vehicle. In the severest of cases the DPF may need to removed from the vehicle and cleaned or replaced if it is damaged.

A good way to prevent DPF problems is to have your vehicle serviced annually and deal with any problems early on. Most vehicles will not regenerate if the fuel level is too low (below a quarter of a tank) So if you constantly run around with the fuel light on you may be harming your vehicle.

To get a Diagnosis or a DPF clean please have your vehicle registration and mileage reading and call Dan or Jay on 01482 325 655 or email service@frankbartonmotors.com.